Our Values

The Youth Inspire values underpin everything we do, they are the foundation to our work and what we try to instill in the rangatahi we work with.


At Youth Inspire, respect is at the core of everything we do. It’s about recognising and honoring the uniqueness of each individual, embracing diversity, and valuing every voice that contributes to our hapori/community. We believe in creating a safe and inclusive space where everyone feels accepted and respected. By upholding mutual respect, understanding differences, and promoting positive interactions, we build strong relationships based on empathy and honesty. We provide a culture powered by respect, inclusivity, patience, and pride as we work together to create an inspiring future for all.

Ngākau Rorotu/Positivity:

Youth Inspire cherishes the transformative power of positivity in every aspect of our mahi. Optimism, hope, and confidence are not just mindsets but cornerstones of our success. By nurturing a culture that uplifts and inspires through positive language and actions, we provide an environment where mental well-being thrives. With open minds and welcoming body language, we see challenges as stepping stones to growth. Our dedication to adopting constructive interactions ensures that we consistently prioritise integrity while radiating positive vibes throughout our organisation.


At Youth Inspire we hold integrity in the highest regard. It means doing what’s right even when no one is watching, staying true to our values with passion and commitment. We take personal responsibility for our actions and hold ourselves accountable. By being reliable, trustworthy, and honest, we create a culture of authenticity, trust and connection. We respect differences, lead by example, and strive for transparency in all interactions. Our moral compass guides us on this journey of growth and patience as part of a reputable organisation we can be proud of

Kia māia/ Be brave:

At Youth Inspire, we believe in the courage and growth of our rangatahi. We empower them to become bold leaders in their communities by encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones and embrace new experiences for personal development. By celebrating wins and providing support, we help nurture skills to overcome challenges. Together, we are building a future where bright and brave rangatahi lead positive change. Through empowerment, encouragement, and belief in their potential, we shape both rangatahi and ourselves as a community committed to teaching resilience and leadership.

 Whakawhirinaki / Reliability:

At Youth Inspire, reliability underpins all we do and strive for. We incorporate trustworthiness and consistency in all our mahi. Reliability goes beyond skill; it’s about timely task completion, clear communication, and owning our actions. By ensuring trust within our team through daily practice, we set a standard for ourselves. Our dedication to strong relationships, active listening, and effective communication showcases our ability to succeed in all we turn up to do.

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